Если вы довольны нашей работой, мы всегда рады будем услышать ваши отзывы о нашей работе. Ваше мнение о нас важно для нас, мы работаем над тем, чтобы удовлетворить запросы и пожелания наших клиентов. Мы с нетерпением ждем позитивного отзыва от вас и ваши пожелания. Ваши пожелания и комментарии помогут нам совершенствовать нашу работу и Ваши отзывы и рекомендации помогут достичь лучших результатов. Спасибо за ваши комментарии заранее, мы действительно ценим наших клиентов.
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I highly appreciate your cordiality and attention to details. After my expensive and big disappointment with a woman from Ukraine, I started my search once more, and as you already know your two websites are my only reliable source for interacting with women who have honest and true intentions of marriage.
You have not seen much activity from me lately because I met a wonderful woman on your Russian ladies website. I like how you conduct business and have the obligation not to degrade your website's integrity by corresponding with lots of women and weaken their beliefs in men with honest intentions like myself.
You are the only website out there that does not “milk” men for every dime they own with pay per letter (PPL) and I appreciate your reasonable prices.
Best regards
Hello Aleksandra, thank you for your attention, but I am still alone, the men bypass me, I haven’t had meetings and correspondence, I am here for a month and I have no results! I am disappointed!