Heb je enige ervaring met het reizen en daten in Oost Europa? Zo ja, dan nodigen wij je uit om dit met ons te delen en hier over te schrijven. Je ervaringen kunnen onze bezoekers helpen door het verstrekken van handige en waardevolle informatie. Je kunt zowel de goede als slechte ervaringen delen. Deze informatie kan erg handig zijn voor iemand die van plan is om Oost Europa te bezoeken. Het is onze wens om onze blog levendig en interessant te houden voor onze lezers. Je reacties zullen zeer gewaardeerd worden.

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Admin - Agency

  • Geplaatst 119 maanden geleden
I just came back from a trip to Russia where I met a special lady. Ladies there show a lot of style and femininity. The people there proved again to be very kind, open and showed their hospitality. I met not only the lady that I went for to meet in Russia, I was also invited by her family and friends to their homes, where you receive a warm welcome. They treat you as a guest and as their own family, they put a lot of food and drinks on the table and you have pleasant, open, fun and friendly talks with them. It is typical for the Eastern European life style.

Nowadays in my country (Holland), it is much more customer friendly to obtain a visa at the visa center. For obtaining a visa you need an Invitation. An Invitation I obtained through a local travel agency specialized in travelling to Russia and also I booked the hotel at this agency. The rest I did by myself and it was not a difficult procedure.

First I flew from Amsterdam to Moscow and from there to Kazan. At the airport I had no problem with the passport control nor the check of bagage. Nowadays it is much easier to step over from an International flight to a domestic flight in Moscow and vica versa.

It was still winter, and I could enjoy of the surroundings and landscape covered with snow. I saw a lot of culture in the cities Kazan and Yoshkar-Ola. In villages and cities you can pay with your bank or credit card in shops and you can find easily bank automats. The prices were not high in comparison to Europe, so it's affordable to stay for a week or more there. So overal seen, I can really recommend to visit Russia. Kind regards, Ronald
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