People want love, understanding, and care at any age – at 20, 30 and after 50! Most modern Russian women want to have a loving husband, family, and children. However, it is not easy to find a match, but it is especially difficult for all women who are above 30. Why is it so difficult for a Russian woman over 30 to find a man?

It is perfectly understandable. A woman over 30 has developed a level of maturity and discernment, she may become more serious about a life partner, but the number of acceptable candidates diminishes. The number of single friends is dwindling, so there is also more pressure to be coupled up. When women are over 30 they also have to accept the reality that many men who are their age have already started dating someone younger than them. And it narrows the dating pool significantly. What to do?

There is no need to panic, it is not so bad. The most important thing to understand is that women over 30 are not much different from women under 30. However, there are some important features of dating at this age.

Let us consider certain features of dating for 30-year-old women and we recommend taking into account the advice that will help them to find the right man.

Desires and expectations of Russian women in their 30s

The first thing a woman should understand going on a date with a foreign man – what does she actually want from a man? Usually, when a woman is on the other side of 30 she wants a man who will help her to relax, bring stability in her life and with whom she will feel comfortable. Russian women appreciate men who can teach them a lot and it does not matter if the man is younger than her. Age is just a number, that is why younger men can not be discounted.

Also, there is no need to have a negative attitude towards divorced men and avoid them. Divorce is not an indication that a man is a loser or fraud. It could happen for a variety of reasons. The main advantage of divorced men is that they are not afraid of taking responsibility and they have life experience and necessary knowledge. They know how to communicate and cooperate because divorced men have experience sharing finances, a home, and schedules.
But it is important not to cross the line in communicating with a divorced man and not to try to find out the details of his previous marriage on the first date. When the time comes, he will tell her what happened.

The value of mature understanding between a man and a woman

A woman over 30 is aware that the modern world is multifaceted. She already knows what pain and disappointment are, and about the importance of being understood, accepted and loved. There is an awareness that people's vision of certain things can be different from hers. For a Russian woman, it becomes evident, how many conflicts can be avoided if people try to understand each other. She appreciates people with whom she experiences the joy of warm and open communication.

Places for a date

A woman in her 30s deserves better and should not settle for anything less. When she was young it was romantic to go for a walk or sit on the bench. But now she should not agree to that because it is disrespectful to her. It is obvious that a man saves on her. It is permissible in youth, but when a working man asks a woman out, then he should spend his money.

This is also important because a Russian woman over 30 is looking for a serious relationship and marriage but not just for a romantic night. A man will not be able to support a family if he can not even pay for the meal at a restaurant. Believe me, if a man really likes a woman, he will get money and take her to a nice restaurant.

Also, a Russian woman should remember, if a foreign man asks her where she would like to go on a date, she does not need to be modest. The best option is to choose the place she used to go to. It will make a woman feel comfortable.

What is the appropriate length of a date?

When it comes to how long a first date should last, the real answer is that it should last long enough for you to get to know your date. Some claim 30-minutes is long enough while others prefer a two-hour time limit. Dragging a date on for hours on end may sound romantic, but it may end up ruining a date if you run out of things to talk about. The first date should last as long as it takes to get a good idea of who you are sitting across from.


Women over 30 are still full of energy, but they cannot ignore the fact that aging is an inevitable process. Many women learn to love themselves again. They have a strong motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of themselves. Often, these women look even better than before. Although, some women try to look younger and it is a big mistake, because, there is nothing older than trying to be young.

What 30-year-old women should look like? A woman just needs to look her age – gorgeous and elegant but not vulgar. The best choice that any man would love is a beautiful one-color dress without superfluous details. A woman should make a lot of effort to enhance curves and take off inches. She can complete her look with light make-up, beautiful hairdo, and manicure. Why not? Men fall in love with their eyes – they like what they see.

The past is the past

Every single woman over the age of 30 has some failed relationships in her past. That is why she does not believe that it can be different. As a result, at this age it is easy to become boring and sad.

It is important to leave the past behind and believe in a better future. The present and the future are not defined by the past anymore. That is why a woman should not speak about her previous experience and show her disappointment when meeting a man for the first time. Because she does not know how it all turns out. That is why she just needs to give him a chance.

Most important of all is communication

A qualitative communication plays a key role in any relationship. That is why a Russian woman should be honest and open on dates but not pretend to be someone else. It is not shameful to be vulnerable, because sincerity and confidence are always attractive. However, if a woman avoids an emotional bond, she will never find the right man. And, of course, a woman should not waste her time on those that she does not like. If she does not like a man, there is no need to keep in contact with him, reply to his letters and spend time together. She needs to be honest, thank the man and say goodbye to him. Life is too short to spend it with the wrong person.

Sex on the first date

All men expect intimate proximity from 30-year-old women on the first date because they are experienced women and will not refuse. A lot of married men take advantage of this and ask them on a date on purpose without telling about their marital status.

Of course, there are some women who try to delay the first intimate proximity as long as possible. They think that it will help them to look decent in front of a foreign man, and after that, they can hope for a serious relationship. However, experience shows, it does not work.

A Russian woman needs to follow the rule – she can make love on the first date if she really wants this. However, it is possible that a woman will not even want to talk to him after a few minutes of communication, not to speak of intimate proximity.

Who pays on a date

Strangely enough, this question makes all women uncomfortable. Remember, whoever asks the other out on the date should pay fully. And if her mate pays, she owes nothing to him, especially entering into sexual relations. A woman must know her self-worth.

A man who did not get intimate on the first date may think that he just wasted his time with this woman. He may even give a hint or say it in front of her. But a Russian woman should not be upset because of that. Because, if a woman values and respects herself, she understands that her time is also precious.

Uncomfortable questions

A man may ask a woman directly about her salary, own apartment and trips abroad. A man thinks that he has the right to ask questions like this because he wants to know what she has achieved in her 30s. It is perfectly normal to ask such questions. That is why a woman should not be afraid to ask about everything.

There is no need to be afraid of questions about children. A woman needs to know if a man has a child with whom he will spend a lot of time. A man may ask the same. It is important not to hide the truth from the beginning. Children from a previous marriage can not be a drag if there is love between a man and a woman.

Trust your gut!

A woman should always trust her gut feelings and listen to her intuition. If something tells her that this man is wrong for her, he probably is. If a relationship does not bring happiness to a woman, it is meaningless, regardless of age. Because it should not be hard work and cause depression. It should be filled with joy, laughter, and love.

And, of course, a woman and a man should not be together just because they see each other as profitable options. Such relationships are unhealthy and will not last long. However, there is also no need to wait for a prince on a white horse. Nobody is perfect, that is why it is better to be prepared for compromise.

Everyone has their own happiness!

Russian women gain a lot of wisdom by the age of 30. They start seeing things differently and their value system changes. A woman has an emotional maturity and she will not do reckless things to ruin her life. Now she has a better understanding of herself, that is why she can show flexibility and restraint at the right moment. And the people who surround her are time-tested but not just acquaintances that come and go.

Happiness is not something that someone gives us, nor is it something that we have to have permission for. Happiness depends upon ourselves. And it does not matter how old we are.
Love, inspire, trust and do not be afraid to go on a date, even if you are a little over thirty!


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  • Posted 36 months ago
Браво, очень четко написано, спасибо!))
Bravo, thank you!
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