The main positive qualities of a Russian woman

Foreign men appreciate many qualities of Russian women such as beautiful outward qualities, wit, good manners, ability to dress stylishly, good health, cleanliness and mobility. At the same time, it's desirable for a woman to have some defenselessness, to know how to cook well and to make rather good money. Men are like children - they dream of a delicious candy in a beautiful wrapper! 

Let's talk about the mysterious soul of a Russian woman and try to find out why she is unique, and why Russian women are so adored by Western men. So, let's begin:

1. Femininity and beauty

It's not a secret that foreign men come to Russia as to an exhibition. According to them, Russian women are always magnificent and sexy in everyday life rather than their Western women who almost don't wear heeled shoes, and they never saw at all their local ladies in such sexy dresses and trousers which are worn by Russian women.

Furthermore, according to the latest surveys, successful modern Western men like natural but necessarily well-groomed women with a well-defined life position. And this is exactly what Russian women are and they conquer Western men with this. At the same time, alone with her man, a Russian woman is always sweet, playful, easy to talk to and affectionate, this is the manifestation of her femininity, and men appreciate it very much. This contrast of a Russian woman's behavior is one of the ways to excite a man's ego and to maintain the flame of passion in the relationship, regardless of age.

All this indicates that Russian women regularly take care of their appearance and develop as a person. They follow the fashion trends not only concerning clothes and make-up, but they also read books, watch movies, constantly expand their mental outlook, look for common interests, activities and points of contact with a man.

2. Romanticism

For a Russian woman, such terms as family and love have a priority importance and major value. They dream of walking with their beloved in the moon light, dream of hearing a tender declaration in the ear and getting bouquets of flowers as often as possible. Women of the West consider such romanticism the vestiges of the past and they are more pragmatic in everyday life and they have everything planned in advance.

3. Intelligence and wit

Almost all Western men consider Russian women to be great intellectuals. And they are not mistaken. The literacy and educational level of Russians are relatively high, mainly due to the Soviet education system.
Therefore, such qualities as wit, good education and natural charm make a Russian woman an excellent interlocutor. With such a woman it's not a shame to go to a banquet or to appear at a rank and fashion event.

4. Immediacy and cheerfulness

You can expect different things from a Russian woman and whatever she does, she does it with sweet childish immediacy. A Russian lady is not afraid, for example, to tear a stocking, to get over a fence, or to break a nail while washing clothes in a wash-basin, but this doesn't mean at all that she is always a whimsical person, from whom you don't know what to expect. She is always aware of her deeds, words and actions.

And absolutely all men appreciate women with such qualities because no one wants to communicate, and even more to see a sad woman's face every day with an always unhappy expression. Therefore, first of all, a man likes a Russian woman with her sense of humor and the ability to enjoy life, because for a man a woman is a symbol of stability which is really lacking in the modern world.

In general, life is full of stress, but Russian women have learnt and developed the qualities of an optimist and have learnt to see good things in different situations and are able to support their man with a kind word, smile, joke, feminine endearment.

5. Love for saturated colors

If you happen to see in any European city a girl dressed in bright red, rich green or dazzling yellow clothes on the street, then you can be sure that you see a Russian woman. From the very childhood, Russian women have a love for bright colors and it's always noticed by foreigners. As a rule, women prefer red and wine red tones, and they also like clothes with complex ornament, transparent blouses and all sorts of gold adornments.

6. Strength of mind

It is just this quality of Russian women which foreign men can't unravel for several centuries in succession. Russian women are endowed with vitality, optimism and a great strength of will. Their strength is in their patience, in their ability to forgive, in their struggle for their survival and their families. Their strength is to remain beautiful despite all the hardships of life. But most of all, their strength consists in the fact that they show their weakness, especially in relations with men. Agree! There is something to learn even for Western men because neither they nor their European ladies have such qualities.

7. Sexiness and good manners

Another major Russian female virtue is sexiness. And this quality is expressed not in a half-naked body, but rather in a mysterious smile, a hardly perceptible gesture of the hand or body, or in an exciting look. And in the art of seduction Russian women also have no equal. They perfectly know this art and foreign men just can't resist their charm.

Also for a foreign man it's very valuable not only not to blush for your woman before his surroundings but also to be proud of her. In modern language good manners are rarely associated with classical etiquette. First of all, this is a natural, benevolent behavior, elementary norms of decency, courtesy, literate speech, ability to listen quietly, to support a conversation. And of course, Russian women are famous for their good manners and this is another answer to the question why foreigners want Russian women as their wives.

8. Ability to cook and household keeping

Many Western women don't attach much importance to the skills in the household. It is a bad idea to do so! The world changed, and now even very young guys know well the degree of roasting a steak, and women just must be ashamed not to be able to cook. And foreign men appreciate home-cooked meals cooked with love and, of course, they know that Russian women cook perfectly well and can surprise with culinary masterpieces. In this way, Russian women emphasize their love for a man, and automatically increase their value in his eyes!

A Russian woman also appreciates the right food in her family and always makes rational laying-in of products - semi-finished products of domestic production. A Russian woman maintains the order in her house and teaches all her household to do the same. She is practical, careful, knows how to cook, to wash, to tidy, to create comfort and to save money. The main thing is an aspiration and desire which can't be taken away from a Russian woman!

9. Tolerance and ability to be a real woman

Tolerance is another important virtue of a Russian woman. A Russian woman is more tolerant as a wife with her greater sensuality and emotionality. And it should be accepted as a given, as well as a compromise of a Russian woman, who, as often as not, yields to a man in any conflicts in her own interests. But, of course, in so doing, she doesn't turn into a submissive lamb in his eyes because everyone can yield in different ways.
A not less important quality of a Russian woman is the ability to be a Woman always and everywhere. And not only in relations with her man, but in all other types of relations in her life.

10. Maternity and care of children

The most important thing in the life of each woman is to become a mother and this is her natural mission and vocation. Any woman should strive to have a baby. And in the world people got accustomed to think that in Russia the traditional role of women is the role of mother and keeper of the family hearth. That's right! The most wonderful, caring, attentive and loving mothers are Russian women!

Unfortunately, many European women lack true motherly qualities - femininity, kindness, self-sacrifice and cordiality, as today's attention of the modern European woman is directed towards the outside world and career. However, the true destination of a woman and her mission on the earth is maternity and formation of the inner world and harmony! And Russian women are able to combine both work and personal growth and maternity!

Uniqueness of Russian women!

We can endlessly continue this list for a long time, but the description of all the virtues of Russian women just can't go into the contents of this article. Let's sum up the principal things.

Russian women are beautiful, intelligent and special. Maybe they are not always happy but they are always unique. Why? Maybe because foreign men secretly learn a lot of things from women of Russian origin. They learn endurance, patience, forgiveness, love, daring, charisma and strong will. And it's not the complete list of qualities which Russian women have.

And maybe it doesn't always come easy to foreign men with Russian women because they can't get to know them well, no matter how long they lived at their side. But they are always interested in a Russian woman! The fact is that Russian women are very mysterious, but they don't strive to endow themselves with a mystery with a special purpose. As if it «lives» inside a woman and manifests in real life at the right time.


Read more news from the category: Russian women



  • Posted 3 months ago
For me, my choice of a Russian woman has a great resonance for me. The Russian woman is a woman in the full sense of the word.
She is a real, beautiful, open-minded and intelligent woman who loves to build a home based on love, respect and appreciation and to have smart children.
I really admire Russian women.
Thank you all


  • Posted 23 months ago
I am already know about these positieve womans , so i want too meet one and beautiful is not important for me ,just honestly


  • Posted 30 months ago
Замечательная, конструктивная, структурированная и познавательная статья!
Спасибо, Юлия:-)
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